Energy Psychology and EFT

Benefits of Energy Psychology and EFT:

•     Freedom from negative emotions;

•     Freedom from self-doubt, grief, anger, or negative memories;

•     Freedom to earn more, sleep better, enjoy fantastic relationships, improve your tennis  or golf game;

•     The freedom to lose weight, lose shyness, lose low self-esteem;

•     Freedom from anxiety, stress, fears, phobias, PTSD, guilt, depression . . . so much more!

•     The freedom to begin to have a richly, rewarding, and satisfying life!

This is NOT traditional psychotherapy!

Psychotherapy can be time-consuming and quite expensive; energy therapy sessions cost less, but the really dramatic difference between the two is that the results with energy therapy are immediate and, for the most part, lasting and permanent. In most cases, lasting results for a particular issue can be achieved in as few as two sessions.

Energy therapy gives you the opportunity to rid your life of negative feelings forever without delving into childhood issues.

Sessions can be conducted online through Skype, in-person, or on the telephone using a hands-free headset or speakerphone.

Call me for a complimentary introductory session!
